The BDSM sex videos that are found on every porn website is carefully directed and performed by the professional porn stars. The BDSM porn that is available online is hard to find. The reason is because the pro porn stars that will feature in BDSM porn videos need to be committed and they need to make sure that they will last longer in this industry. The process of finding the suitable porn star is taking longer than casting in a normal porn video. Since BDSM cannot work sufficiently if the people involved have disagreement or unwilling, there are only handful BDSM sex videos available that will satisfy the BDSM customers. And because of rarity, some BDSM performers even make a paid subscription for the viewers that will support their sexual activities online. Even though BDSM is hard to find, there are still people who continuously search the web trying to understand why there are people who are willing to take a beating for the sake of pleasure. Due to its unusual popularity, some people try to mimic this extraordinary sex act but due to its brutality, they can only go soft which may anger the viewers that wants authentic BDSM porn videos in Porn Tube Like KinkyFay. A lot of people conclude that the sexual act of BDSM is too much for them and will resulted to finding and trying other sex act that are suitable for them. The intense beating that surrounds BDSM is an act that is hard to play, especially for the people who are too scared of pain and bruises that often come along with the practice of BDSM. There are only handful people who can actually enjoy watching BDSM sex videos and playing the actual BDSM.